Perancangan dan Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Pengelolaan Inventaris Barang Berbasis Web (Studi Kasus: SDI Aisyiyah Suruhwadang)

  • Virganda Rimba Asmara Universitas Islam Balitar
  • Rizki Yunis Teresa
  • Bintang Lailatul Mukaromah
Keywords: informasi, inventaris, sistem, web


The inventory management system is a very important activity carried out in an instant because of the management of goods, checking the eligibility of goods, restocking goods and recording all goods, especially in the field of education such as schools that have many goods that must be managed carefully to ensure the eligibility of each item that will be used during learning. Moreover, in the current era where everything can be made easier using technology, by utilizing developing technology and supported by adequate human resources, a system can be developed that can help facilitate the work of managing inventory. As in one of the Islamic elementary schools in Blitar, especially in the village of Suruhwadang, namely SDI Aisyiyah Suruhwadang, which currently still uses manual inventory data management by recording it in an inventory book and then transferring it to a spreadsheet. Therefore, a web-based inventory information system will be very effective and useful. The system development method uses the waterfall method and uses UML diagrams. The results of this study are in the form of a web-based inventory information system at SDI Aisyiyah Suruhwadang. From the creation of the application, it indicates that this application has the potential to be highly effective, fast, accurate and greatly facilitates inventory managers.
