The Effect Of Word Walls Media On Students’ Vocabulary Mastery

  • Zelvia Liska Afriani UIN FATMAWATI BENGKULU
Keywords: Vocabulary, Vocabulary Mastery, Word Wall Media


In learning English, vocabulary plays an important role, by mastering vocabulary students can communicate fluently. However, based on observation  at SMPN 03 South Bengkulu, the researcher found that students have limited vocabulary in English. One of the media to improve students' vocabulary mastery is to use word wallsin the learning process. The problems raised in this research is (1) is there an effect of word walls media on students' vocabulary mastery in class VIII of SMPN 03 South Bengkulu. The aim of this research was to determine whether there is an effect of word walls media on students' vocabulary mastery in Class VIII of SMPN 03 South Bengkulu. The method used in this research is a quasi-experimental method. The data analysis techniques uses pretest-posttest. The research population totaling 168 students and the samples totaling 51 students. The result of this research is that there is a significant difference between the experimental class which has a post-test score of 80.40 using word walls media and the control class which has a post-test score of 56.92 using the conventional method. It can be concluded that there is a significant effect of word walls media on students' vocabulary mastery in Class VIII at SMPN 03 South Bengkulu.



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