Konsep Tujuan Pendidikan Islam Menurut Muhammad Qurais Shihab Dalm Qs Al-Baqarah Ayat 30, Qs Hud Ayat 61, Qs Adz-Dzariyat Ayat 56.

  • Delvita Sari Simanjuntak Universitas Islam Negeri Fatmawati Sukarno Bengkulu, Bengkulu, Indonesia
Keywords: tujuan pendidikan,, ayat pendidikan


Education is a business activity that proceeds through stages and levels. After the effort or activity is completed, it is hoped that the goal will be achieved, because it is gradual and gradual, the goal of a thing is fixed and static, but it is the whole of a person, with regard to all aspects of life. The results of this study are: The concept of the purpose of Islamic Education contained in QS Al-Baqarah verse 30 is to foster personally and in groups so that they are able to function as His servants and caliphs, in order to build this world in accordance with the concepts set by Allah SWT, while the concept of goals Islamic education contained in QS Hud verse 61 is capable of realizing a pious servant, showing the breadth of Allah's knowledge, the formation of noble character in students contained in the application of moral education itself, knowledgeable students, capable students , and the concept of the purpose of Islamic education in QS Ad-Dzariyat verse 56 is to form obedient and obedient humans, especially to the Creator. Because the characteristic of an educated person is obedience and obedience to the applicable norms and rules.


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