Optimalisasi Pojok Literasi dalam Menumbuhkan Cinta Al-Qur’an di masjid Al-Mubarokah Desa Sido Luhur Kabupaten Seluma

  • Septia Nur Wardani
  • Elen Selpi Mepia
  • Sela Sentia Universitas islam negeri fatmawati soekarano bengkulu
  • Abi Sesar Ramadhan
  • Muhammad Rohil
  • Dina Putri Juni Astuti
Keywords: Optimizing the Literacy Corner, Fostering Love for the Quran


The issue of education is always an interesting issue at any time. Through the service journal about the literacy corner that h as been implemented by the group 64 KKN UINFAS 3rd batch of 2024 at the Al-Mubarokah mosque in hamlets 5 and 6 of Sido Luhur village, Sukaraja sub-district, Seluma district, community service regarding literacy and education needs to be an important concern. Community service in the form of a literacy corner at the Al-Mubarokah mosque aims to increase love for books and foster a greater understanding of religious and Qur'anic knowledge for the surrounding community. Given the role of students as drivers of change, the provision and optimization of literacy corners will be able to be a concrete step in overcoming educational problems in Indonesia.



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How to Cite
Nur Wardani, S., Selpi Mepia, E., Sentia, S., Sesar Ramadhan, A., Rohil, M., & Putri Juni Astuti, D. (2024). Optimalisasi Pojok Literasi dalam Menumbuhkan Cinta Al-Qur’an di masjid Al-Mubarokah Desa Sido Luhur Kabupaten Seluma. MENYALA: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat, 1(1), 50-58. https://doi.org/10.62159/menyala.v1i1.1403