Meningkatkan Partisipasi Masyarakat Dusun Darma dalam Kegiatan 1 Muharram Tahun 1446 Hijriah di Masjid Nurul Huda

  • Khosi'in
  • Mita Ariyana UIN Fatmawati Sukarno Bengkulu
  • Bagas
  • Taufik Hussein
  • Sheftianing Shinta
  • Frenky Nopianto
  • Tiara
  • Belsa Walindra Sartika
  • Delvita Jesika Aldila
  • Danti Almaeiza
  • Nova Nur Yuli Yanti
Keywords: Religion, Community Participation, Increase


The purpose of this writing is to increase the enthusiasm of the community for what is or is not being done and the cooperation between students who do KKN and the community. Community service is actually students learning various social skills and students who try to be active in society and participate in the dynamic activities of society. Students are strategically positioned to become agents of change. KKN is a form of community service to students who help the law enforcement community, learn, guide, guide, and realize their potential and help improve living standards and development. Students can acquire reproductive skills in a real-life environment. The methods used in the investigation are: (1) question and answer, (2) documents and (3) direct observation in the field. Basically, based on the findings, they decided to carry out a KKN teamwork project. Activities carried out include creating an atmosphere in the mosque, teaching the Koran, community service and holding 1 Muharram activities which include torch parades and competitions. Therefore, it is expected that after the end of KKN work, the community continues to develop all the potential that exists in itself and its environment. And all the work done is preparing for the future.




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How to Cite
Khosi’in, Ariyana, M., Bagas, Hussein, T., Shinta, S., Nopianto, F., Tiara, Walindra Sartika, B., Jesika Aldila, D., Almaeiza, D., & Nur Yuli Yanti, N. (2024). Meningkatkan Partisipasi Masyarakat Dusun Darma dalam Kegiatan 1 Muharram Tahun 1446 Hijriah di Masjid Nurul Huda. MENYALA: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat, 1(1), 94-98.