Penguatan Kapasitas Manajemen Masjid Nurul Iman Di Desa Pagar Jati Kecamatan Semidang Lagan

  • Risa Azizah Irawan
  • Yemi Fitriah Amanda
  • Jeni Susanti
Keywords: Cooperation, Love The Mosque, Strengthening


The Participatory Action Research (PAR) approach is used in the capacity building program to improve the capacity and management of mosques, through a spiral process that includes planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. This program aims to overcome the problem of holes in the mosque's ceiling that have interfered with the comfort of worship for two years. The repair cycle is carried out continuously, involving the community, youth organizations, and mosque youth in every stage, starting from planning, coordination, to the implementation of repairs. Social analysis is applied to understand social relationships and determine action steps, focusing on social change and transformation. The results show increased love for mosques, the comfort of worship, and the spirit of cooperation in the community. This program also involves initial discussions to open up aspiration spaces and strengthen the managerial capacity of mosques. With the improvement, the community shows high enthusiasm, it is hoped that this program can increase solidarity and overall management of the mosque.


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How to Cite
Risa Azizah Irawan, Yemi Fitriah Amanda, & Jeni Susanti. (2024). Penguatan Kapasitas Manajemen Masjid Nurul Iman Di Desa Pagar Jati Kecamatan Semidang Lagan. MENYALA: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat, 1(1), 127-133.